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Rameshwaram, a holy city located in Tamil Nadu, India, holds deep significance in Hinduism, attracting millions of pilgrims and devotees every year. Iconic for its connection to the epic Ramayana, Rameshwaram is believed to be the place where Lord Rama built a bridge, known as Rama Setu or Adam's Bridge, to reach Lanka and rescue Mother Sita. The focal point of religious importance in Rameshwaram is the Ramanathaswamy Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva. This grand temple has the longest corridor in the world and is considered one of the most sacred temples of Hindus. Pilgrims make the holy journey to Rameshwaram to perform pilgrimage and attain salvation from sins. Rameshwaram is famous for its 22 holy wells within the temple complex, each believed to have unique healing properties. Bathing in these wells is considered purification, and is an important ritual for pilgrims. It is believed that by visiting Rameshwaram and worshiping Lord Shiva, all the sins of the devotees are eliminated and the soul gets purified with the blessings of Lord Shiva. The spiritual attraction of Rameshwaram lies in its connection with the divine legend of Lord Rama, making it an iconic pilgrimage site where devotees seek blessings, perform rituals, and experience a profound sense of sanctity. With the blessings of Lord Rama along with Lord Shiva, all the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled.

Mythological History:

Rameshwaram is a holy pilgrimage for Hindus. It is located in Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu. This pilgrimage is one of the four Dhams of Hindus. Apart from this, the Shivalinga established here is considered to be one of the twelve Jyotirlingas. The recognition of Kashi in the north of India is the same as that of Rameshwaram in the south. Rameshwaram is about four hundred and twenty miles south-east of Chennai. It is a beautiful conch-shaped island surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. Long ago this island was connected to the mainland of India, but later the ocean waves cut this connecting link, due to which it became an island surrounded by water on all sides. Here Lord Ram had built a stone bridge before attacking Lanka, climbing on which the monkey army reached Lanka and won there. Later, at the request of Vibhishana, Ram broke this bridge at a place called Dhanushkoti. Even today, the remains of this 30-mile-long Adi-Setu are visible in the ocean. The most special feature of this temple, popular all over the world by the name of Rameshwaram, is that this place is situated on a conical-shaped island.There are 22 theerthams at this place where taking a bath frees a person from all types of diseases and sins. In other words, like Kashi, every person who comes here attains salvation. Lord Rama himself had installed Shivalinga here.

According to the 15th century, King Udaiyan Sethupathi and Vaishya residents of Nagaur built the Gopuram of this temple. According to the 16th century, the southern wall of the temple was built by Tirumala Sethupathi. The mythological stories of the temple are directly mentioned in the Ramayana. It is believed that Lord Shri Ram, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was on his way to Lanka to rescue Sita from Ravana. Then he established a Shivalinga made of sand at this place on the ocean coast. And he called the great sages and performed a great yagya and worshiped Lord Shiva. Then Lord Shiva was pleased and showed him the way to Lanka and blessed him with victory. According to the 17th century, kings Jahavan Sethupathi and Dalavaya Sethupathi started the eastern gopuram. According to the 18th century, Ravi Vijay Sethupathi built a house and a pavilion for the deities. And after a few years, Ramalinga Sethupathi got the outer wall of the temple constructed. According to the 19th century, a family from Devkottai had built a 126-foot-high nine-door Gopuram and in 1947, the same family also got the Maha Kumbhabhishek done.

The temple rests on 145 pillars: To reach Rameshwaram temple, there is a hundred-year-old bridge resting on 145 concrete pillars. Through which devotees pass. The view of the train passing through the sea is so beautiful that you will realize it only after going here. Apart from this bridge, one can also reach here by road. The corridor of Rameshwaram temple is the largest corridor in the world.

The water here is full of miraculous properties: There is a belief about Ramnath Swami Temple that by taking a bath in the Agni Theertham located here, all sins are washed away. The water coming out of this theertham is considered to be full of miraculous properties. By taking a dip in it, all the sorrows go away and diseases also go away. There are 22 ponds on the premises of this temple in which devotees take baths before worship.

Who established Rameshwaram Jyotirlinga: According to mythology, Ravana belonged to the Brahmin clan. Therefore, Shri Ram was guilty of the sin of killing Brahma. To repent for this, the sages advised Lord Rama to install Shivalinga and perform Abhishekam. Due to this, Lord Shri Ram had made a Shivalinga from sand on the southern coast and anointed it. Another belief is that while returning from Lanka, Lord Rama stayed on the sea coast of South India. To erase the sin of killing Brahma, he asked Hanuman ji to bring Shivalinga from the mountain. When Bajrangbali was delayed in coming, Mother Sita made Shivling from the sand on the south bank, which came to be known as Ramnath, also called Ramlinga. The Shivalinga brought by Hanuman ji was named Vaishwalinga. Since then both these Shivalingas have been worshiped. For this reason, Rameshwaram is also known as Ramanathaswami Jyotirlinga.

Timing of Temple:

Rameshwaram Temple, located in the state of Tamil Nadu, opens at 04:30 AM and closes at 01:00 PM. After this it opens again at 03:00 PM and closes at 09:00  PM.

Rituals and worship at Ramanathaswamy Temple: Ramanathaswamy Temple is a testimony to the unwavering devotion of its worshippers. The rituals and ceremonies held here are deeply embedded in the fabric of Hindu tradition and spirituality. Let us take a closer look at some of the important rituals and practices that grace this sacred abode.

Abhishekam: Abhishekam, a ritual bathing of the deity, is at the center of the daily activities of the temple. This ritual performed twice a day, is not only a physical purification but also a spiritual purification. It is an opportunity for devotees to offer prayers and devotion to Lord Shiva.

Puja: Various pujas or puja ceremonies are conducted throughout the day, which allow devotees to connect with the divine. Kalasanthi Puja, Uchikala Puja, and Sayaraksha Puja are some of the important pujas, each with its spiritual significance.

Agni Theertham: One of the most sacred rituals associated with the Ramanathaswamy temple is Agni Theertham. Devotees are expected to take a dip in the sea before proceeding for darshan, a ritual that symbolizes purification of body and soul.

Ram Navami: This festival marks the birth of Lord Ram and is celebrated with great devotion. The temple is decorated with vibrant decorations and special pujas are performed in honor of Lord Rama.

Maha Shivratri: Dedicated to Lord Shiva, Maha Shivratri is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Devotees fast and engage in prayers and anointments throughout the night, creating an atmosphere of intense spirituality within the temple.

Hanuman Jayanti: This festival celebrates the birth of Lord Hanuman, the revered disciple of Lord Rama. The temple comes alive with special pujas and processions in honor of Hanuman.

Diwali: Diwali, the festival of lights, illuminates the Ramanathaswamy Temple. The entire temple complex is decorated with oil lamps and candles, creating a truly mesmerizing sight.

Arubathimoovar Festival: This unique festival pays homage to the 63 Nayanmars, Shaiva saints. It involves a grand procession of deities and devotees through the streets of Rameshwaram, showcasing the rich cultural and religious image of the temple.

Setu Karai Snanam: Before entering the temple, devotees participate in Setu Karai Snanam, a ritual that involves taking a dip in the sacred waters of Setu Karai. It is believed that it erases their sins, purifying them before their divine encounter.

Theertham (Sacred Tanks): There are 22 Theerthams or sacred tanks in the Ramanathaswamy temple, each of which has its significance. Devotees believe that taking a dip in these sacred waters purifies the soul and body, paving the way for a closer connection with the divine.

Rameshwaram Temple Corridor: The remarkable third corridor of the temple is one of the longest corridors in the world, offering an awe-inspiring experience to devotees and visitors as they walk across its expanse, offering their prayers and obeisances.

Annadhanam: A notable practice in the temple is Annadhanam, a free food distribution program. Free food is offered to devotees and visitors, symbolizing the underlying spirit of service and charity of Hinduism.

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