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Treta Ke Thakur, Ayodhya



Treta Ke Thakur, Ayodhya


Theri Bazar, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh 224123

There is a temple named Treta Ke Thakur in Ayodhya which is believed to be still present from Treta Yug i.e. the era of Lord Shri Ram. It is believed that at the same place where Lord Ram had performed Ashwamedha Yagya, the Thakurs of Treta built the Thakur Salt Temple of Tairata and this temple is still situated in Ayodhya Dham.

Mythological History:

In Hinduism, Ayodhya is regarded as the birthplace of Lord Rama, and the place is rich in religious and cultural heritage. It hosts various temples and holy sites associated with the Ramayana, of which the temple of Treta Ke Thakur is a special one. By worshiping in the premises and courtyard of this temple one attains the glory of Lord Rama.

Ashvamedha Yagya is a yagya in which the most powerful and powerful king sacrifices a horse i.e. horse, and after performing the yagya, declares himself the Chakravarti king. But if any other king has any objection to this then he catches the horse and starts a fight. And that is why Ashwamedha Yagya is performed and the horse is released so that anyone who has any objection can clear his confusion by fighting. A place in Ayodhya where Lord Shri Ram organized Ashwamegh Yagya to declare himself as the Chakravarti King after killing Khar-Dushan, conquering Lanka, and fighting the demons.Whom we know today as  "Treta Ke Thakur" in Ayodhya.

Treta Ke Thakur Temple was built at the same place where Lord Shri Ram performed Ashwamedha Yagya.  Because Mother Sita left home and went to the forest and Luv and Kush were born there.? Therefore, Luv Kush was unaware that Shri Ram was his father. Lord Shri Ram left a horse to perform the Yagya and the same horse was caught by Luv-Kush i.e. his son and started a war. Luv Kush and Ashmegh Yagya have been explained in detail in Luv Kush Kand of Shri Ram Charit Manas. According to Luv Kush Kand, after the return of Shri Ram Ji to heaven, the Thakur of Treta was present. He built a grand temple at the place of Ashwamegh Yagya which we all know as "Treta Ke Thakur"


Timing Of Temple:

Everyday, Temple Opens at 05:00 AM to 09:00 PM.

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